Dr. Shoemaker provided excellent care and I am grateful that it was a successful surgery all due to his skill. Dr. Shoemaker has a high level of expertise, professionalism coupled with compassion. His surgical expertise and perfectionism gave me total trust and confidence in him and the outcome of my surgery. I would definitely say implants and fixed teeth are worth the time and money investment! You cannot put a price on a healthy mouth! I can eat anything and I can wear any color lipstick because my teeth look good!! (I know, how shallow!) Not only do I find myself smiling more but my smile is bigger and wider. Implants have changed my quality of life; I no longer have the constant worry and anxiety about my teeth. If I had to choose to do implants again I would because I have a healthy and well-functioning mouth and would recommend implant dentistry to family and friends. In addition to Dr. Shoemaker, the warmth of Sandi and Patsy when they greet people, the caring and compassionate attitude plus the professionalism of Stephanie, Marianne and Caroline sets them apart from other dental care providers. I was treated as a whole person, not just a mouth or a job to be done. Also, Dr. Dashty is a very kind doctor. No side effects from his anesthesia.